Crna Gora u XXI stoljeću - u eri kompetetivnosti
septembar 2009.
Uvodne rasprave:
- Potprojekat Obrazovanje (rukovodilac akademik Perko Vukotić) - 15. septembar; - Potprojekat Populacioni aspekti (rukovodilac akademik Petar Vlahović) - 16. septembar; - Potprojekat Izgradnja i funkcionisanje države (rukovodilac akademik Mijat Šuković) - 18. septembar; - Potprojekat Integracija u evropske i evroatlantske strukture (rukovodilac prof. dr Gordana Đurović) - 25. septembar.
Sjednica Savjeta UPCG u CANU
Druga sjednica Savjeta Unije poslodavaca Crne Gore održaće se u srijedu, 13. maja 2009. godine, u sali Crnogorske akademije nauka i umjetnosti (CANU), ulica Rista Stijovića br. 5 (ispod Vile Gorica), sa početkom u 12:00h. Za sjednicu je planiran sljedeći
1. Prezentacija osnovnih elemenata projekta: ”Crna Gora u XXI stoljeću – U eri kompetitivnosti” (Uvodno izlaganje akademika Momira Djurovića, predsjednika CANU) 2. Diskusija po temama iz navedenog projekta 3. Tekuća pitanja
Napomena: Očekuje se da svi članovi Savjeta uzmu učešće u raspravi za oblasti koje su predložili za tematske sjednice Savjeta.
Round table – Higher education and Bologna process
Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, Council for Higher Education and the Ministry of Education and Science are organizing the Round table on the subject:
Higher education and Bologna process.
The Round table will take place on 10 April 2009 at the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, starting at 10.00h.
Delegation of Albanian Academy visited MASA
Delegation of the Academy of Sciences of Albania, consisted of Prof. Gudar Beqiraj, President and Prof. Salvatore Bushati, Secretary General, visited the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts on 20 March 2009. On this occasion, the two sides assessed the ongoing collaboration between the academies as very successful, based on the bilateral Agreement on scientific cooperation. Special importance is given to the realization of 2nd phase of joint scientific-research project Regulation of Water Regime of the Skadar Lake and River Bojana, which is financed by the Governments of Montenegro and Albania. The President of Montenegro, H.E. Filip Vujanovic, received Presidents of the Montenegrin and Albanian Academy, Prof. Momir Djurovic and Prof. Gudar Beqiraj.
Promotion of the Project Regulation of Water Regime of the Skadar Lake and Bojana River
Promotion of the Project Regulation of Water Regime of the Skadar Lake and Bojana River On occasion of the World Water Day, Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts is organizing the promotion of the 2nd phase of the Scientific-Research Project Regulation of Water Regime of the Skadar Lake and Bojana River, which is to be realized within the ongoing joint project of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Academy of Sciences of Albania.